

Im upside down
Image via Wikipedia

Twice this week things  turned my day upside down due to scheduling changes.  That got me thinking.

What if we did other things upside down?

Like practicing, for instance.

What would that look like?

We could:

vary the time of day

start at the end

learn the left hand first

learn difficult left hand passages with right hand first (up an octave), then play the same thing with both hands together

practice a program out of order

practice movements of a piece or songs of a cycle out of order

Fitness trainers sometimes advise their clients to reverse their machine circuit once in a while.  This wakes up your body, as your muscles no longer know the routine, resulting in a better workout.

What would the results be?

Some possibilities:

some musical passages would seem more difficult, so I’d learn them better

surprises in the way I’m hearing things ~ new insights

less “take it for granted” sightreading

heightened awareness of dynamics

a better grasp of tempo changes

Some questions:

Do you normally follow a routine?

Practice at the same time most days?

Keep your program in the same order?

How do you handle a day when things happen backwards?

Do you find it helpful to mix things up?  In what way?

Have you tried practicing backwards?

One day a seven-year-old student arrived for her lesson, announcing “This is backwards day!”  We had SO much fun!  She made terrific progress, and we both had a great time, too.

Rafael Nadal likes keeping a routine on match days.  If you’ve been watching tennis, you may have noticed that he always has two water bottles.  He drinks a little from each bottle, then places them on the ground in front of his chair.  The labels have to be facing his side of the court.

Of course, every tennis match is different, and the venues are constantly changing as well. Perhaps having a routine calms Nadal down, enabling him to deal with the unexpected.

What Do You Think?

How do you feel when you have to alter your plans unexpectedly?  Do you find a way to make progress that day or throw in the towel?

Please leave a comment below, and tell me what you think.

Happy Independence Day!  Try doing  something backwards!

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